Monday, November 26, 2012

On Our Google Conference

The Google Conference! It was impressive, almost unbelievable, I couldn’t believe that I was participating in such a complex meeting. I can’t wait to try it out with my family members from Mexico, but in order for that to happen I will need to learn how to invite people to chat and teach my aunts and cousins how to set up a Google account and do a bunch of neat stuff on it. I know for sure my grandmother and mom will LOOOVE it because purchasing calling cards to Mexico is time consuming and expensive. Plus, this would be way better than calling because we can actually hear the other person and see their facial movements and it’s almost like were in the room, plus we can invite my other family members from Los Angeles, Texas, New York and Chicago in on our calls. I’m getting excited just thinking about how this can actually happen and I’m forgetting to respond to the actual experience. I wish I could have had the conference on my iPhone, that would have been awesome, but then again if that were possible I would have looked awkward talking to my phone on the bus hahaha, plus I wouldn’t have learned all the neat stuff I learned. I learned how to view the same documents, the same videos, and how to wear artificial hats online. I was in our room by myself, but honestly I felt like everyone was there because as soon as I was disconnected accidentally the first time and when we said our goodbyes, the emptiness of the room all of a sudden became evident. Overall, it was an awesome experience and I can’t wait to try it again.


  1. I'm trying to get my family to try it too! I use Skype with them now and that works really well but, like you, I'd love to link them all into the same video call at once to have the full family experience. Let us know if it happens & how it goes! :)

  2. Nora,
    I have some friends from undergrad that are currently doing post-grad service in Nicaragua and Ecuador, I've considered the idea of doing a google hangout with them as well!
